Chinese Puzzle Box

Explorations in and about China

Archive for the month “November, 2012”

“to reach your goal you must know not only the right direction, but also what swamps lie ahead.”

I don’t remember where I recently heard the above adage.  It seems appropriate as I begin to write about  a puzzle which may have no solution, a journey whose destination may be unreachable.  My goal is to come to an understanding of the differences between American and Chinese culture – thinking, writing, aesthetics, assumptions.  I have been studying for a decade – trying to learn the language, reading articles and books, practicing calligraphy, visiting China when I could.  The more I study, the more I find to explore.  In writing this blog I hope to reach out to other explorers who have studied different pieces of the puzzle – maybe you can shed more light, show new paths. And maybe there are some Chinese explorers who are perplexed at the odd twists and turns of American culture – Maybe they will contribute their own understanding.  Let’s see what happens!

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